Dan and I, as different as we may seem, agree on most things. We both love to travel and explore new restaurants. We enjoy waking up early for a day of flea marketing and antiquing. We love whizzing through the city on our bikes or taking a stroll down town, not knowing where we might end up. We both go ga ga over craft beer and adore exploring new wines.
But for all that we agree upon, there are two very important things that we will never see eye to eye on. The first being desserts. I find much joy in a simple, delicious dessert to end a meal. Dan, on the other hand, is not phased in anyway with my oohs and aahs as I fawn over the sweet confections. He'd much prefer a second entree. The second is soup. Don't get me wrong, we both love soup. However, Dan is rather particular over his. Where I'm usually game for any soup placed in front of me, Dan tends to steer clear any soup that has been puréed. I suppose he feels cheated in a way- having had to drink his meal rather than chew it. It is unfortunate for him that the majority of the soups I make are puréed.

I've been trying to take his preference into consideration when I plan a soup, but some times one (i.e. Dan) must take one for the team (i.e. me). When roasted butternut squash and curry and coconut milk are involved, I win. Luckily for me, Dan also
loves curry and coconut milk and though he hates, hates, hates butternut squash (particularly roasted. This man needs an intervention!) he perked up when I mentioned my plan to make it.